The Original Since 1976

Trollbeads, born in Denmark as a family company, remains unique and family-owned today.

“Some have ideas, some have talent for design, some can find technical solutions and others still have the courage to make it happen. And all of us enjoy working together on a project. It’s that simple",
- Lise Aagaard.

The first silver bead


Faces was the very first bead in the collection. It is a silver bead combined with six faces, and it is designed by Lise Aagaard’s brother, Søren "Silversmith" Nielsen.

Trollbeads are made with a blend of new and ancient techniques. Most silver Trollbeads are modelled using the 3000-year-old technique, the so-called 'cire perdu' or 'lost wax'-method.


Gold enters the collection

For thousands of years, gold has been the ultimate symbol of power, wealth and divinity. Trollbeads are made in 18K gold – the perfect balance of purity and strength.

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Growing the family

Until 2000, all beads were designed by the Nielsen/Aagaard family. To increase the diversity of the collection, 10 Danish jewellery designers were invited to design for Trollbeads. Today, we count more than 90 Trollbeads designers.

Meet our designers


The characterful clasp

The first characteristic Trollbeads clasps are added to the collection. The idea of letting the clasp be a piece of jewellery in itself is still unique for the Trollbeads brand today.

Shop our clasp collection

Glass beads


In 2001, the glass beads became a fascinating and colourful addition to the Trollbeads collection. Traditionally, glass beads have been used by themselves on jewellery. It was therefore an innovative new approach when Trollbeads began to combine the living and colourful glass with gemstone beads, gold and silver.


Another way to carry your beads
In 2003 the Trollbeads collection is extended with the Fantasy Necklace. You can design and combine the Fantasy Necklace in endless ways, using beads and pendants from the collection.

Trollbeads goes abroad
In 2003, Trollbeads adventures start in new countries: Hong Kong, USA and Spain. Today you can find Trollbeads in more than 40 countries all over the world.

Explore all necklaces



New, adorable designs were released to compliment the original concept.

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The Sterling Silver Bracelet

With the new design and changeable clasps it was made possible to design and redesign your bracelet every day!

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Sterling Silver Bracelet

Alongside Tibet Charity, Lise Aagaard developed the Tibet Beads project in 2005 to give unemployed Tibetan refugees in India an opportunity to learn new skills and earn an income.

The Nordic gold


Amber is added to the collection. 50 million years on the way to your bracelet. It is almost incomprehensible how long ago that is, but that specific moment in time is what we see.

Shop amber jewellery



Gemstones are added to the Trollbeads Collection

Born under enormous pressure since the dawn of time, these pieces of raw rocks are dug out of the bowels of the earth and made into exquisite jewellery of timeless beauty.

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A beautiful collection of rings sees the light of day.

Many of the spectacular designs are still in the collection.

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People's Bead


Trollbeads is among the very first to offer co-creation in the event People's Bead. Fans and customers are invited to design a bead in the People's Bead competition.

Read more about People's Bead

Jaipur, India


Following the first Uniques project, Lise Aagaard decided to start a project in Jaipur.

This time the focus was on helping women with a challenging background.

Explore our responsibility


The World Tour

13 countries each had 4 beads created which symbolised their country. The ones involved were: Australia, Austria, Denmark, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, Lithuania, Netherlands, South Africa, Switzerland, the U.K. and the U.S.A.


Malawi UNIQUES Workshop

Just like the project in India, Trollbeads funded the Malawi Trollbeads Workshop, which gave a group of challenged young people the opportunity to learn the artistry of making glass beads.


The Leather Bracelet

Launch of a new way to carry your beads - the leather bracelet. The bracelet should be twisted around the wrist twice and closed with a clasp which is sold separately.

Shop leather bracelets


Introducing the bangle

The bangle is introduced in the Trollbeads Collection. Launched in Sterling silver, gold plated and copper.

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Mother's Day

The first Mother’s Day bead is introduced: Joyful. Since then many more have been created.

Shop gift ideas for mothers



Trollbeads moves to Toldbodgade. Lise designs the façade of the building, and it is ready for the Trollbeads family to move in, in 2012. Did you know that there are small lizards hidden in the pattern of the facade?


Limited-edition bracelets

A bracelet including a new glass bead, a new silver bead and a new clasp. The bracelet can only be bought as a finished piece.


Trollbeads Day

The first time celebrating Trollbeads Day online and in stores all over the world. A true party!


Trollbeads Day

The first time celebrating Trollbeads Day online and in stores all over the world. A true party!


Deep Ocean was introduced. A new type of bead with a different shape and many detailed layers.


Trollbeads Tiara

In 2016 it was time to feel like a princess. The Trollbeads Tiara takes a revolutionary approach to jewellery design, allowing you to create your own tiara by using beautiful spacers and beads.

Shop the Trollbeads Tiara


Ring of Change

The first customisable ring was introduced. Now you could wear your most precious Trollbeads on your finger.

Shop the ring collection


The Neck Bangle

The beautiful neck bangle was launched. It is beautiful in itself but is also stunning with beads and pendants from the entire collection. Another piece of jewellery which can be customised to your desire.


The Trollbeads Trick

Trollbeads introduce Trollbeads Tricks and share some of the many different stylings you can do with Trollbeads jewellery.


Men's collection introduced

34 new finished pieces were released. This included several leather bracelets, sterling silver bracelets and leather and sterling silver necklaces.


The first Father's Day bead

Shield; Sterling silver bead. To protect and to care.

Love is the true shield.

More hair jewellery...


We welcomed the French Twist Comb and Alice band to the collection. With these, you could style your hairdo with your favourite Trollbeads.

Round gemstones & porcelain beads


Round gemstones
Gemstones are introduced in a smaller, round version, with a smooth surface.

Shop gemstones here

Porcelain beads
First time introduced as limited editions for Trollbeads Day in 2019.

Shop porcelain beads here

People's Uniques Event


An exciting event that uncovers our customer's favourite UNIQUES was launched. The six winning beads become a limited-edition UNIQUES glass kit.

Shop People's Uniques

New fantasy rings


Introducing the Elegant Fantasy Ring, Swirling Fantasy Ring, Mermaid Fantasy Ring and Lucky Stars Fantasy Ring.

Now you can wear your favourite beads on rings!

Shop the ring collection